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About Chinese-Thai

China, Thailand bilingual monthly magazine. The journal is simplified Chinese. Read along the Han Yu Pinyin. Translation and the only one in Thailand. Content includes the sights of China. Social economy Culture, language and other important news. The objective is to keep a journal to learn Chinese, and people of all circles to read anytime, anywhere.

"汉 泰 双语 月报" 是 目前 泰国 唯一 的 一 本 以 简化字 并 加 汉语拼音 排版 的 定期 刊物, 内容 则以 介绍 中国 旅游 景点, 社会经济, 文化 习俗, 语文 知识, 重要 新闻 等 为主. 月刊.的 主旨 在于 为 学汉语 的 学生 和 各界 人士 所 提供 的 一份 适合 他们 作为 日常 阅读 的 刊物.

Student Chinese-Thai Monthly Magazine, First Chinese-Thai monthly Magazine in Thailand since 2002. Learn Chinese easily with 'Pinyin' along the content.
Suitable for Beginners to Upper-intermediate level in Chinese, who understand Chinese and want to study 'Thai' language, suitable for those who are interest in Chinese in every part.
-Fast And easy way to beginner in Chinese or / and recall Chinese language.
-All Content prove by National Professional editor in Chinese / Thai language.

Main content in magazine;
-Daily Conversation dialogue, Music room, Translate room, Literature.
-Travelling, Economics, social life, cultural, health.
-HSK Exam, highlight / update news for everyone who interest in Chinese and all readers every time everywhere.

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