Meb Mobile E-Books version for eReader (E-INK screen) such as BOOX, BOYUE or E-reader Android.
**** If using a typical Android mobile phone or Tablet such as samsung, Asus, load a normal Meb at *** *
*** Features ***
- Optimized for use with e-readers (e-ink screen).
- can read every move
- Book reader Designed to be readable Load it to read comfortably, not dramatic.
- Easy to change face By pressing a button on the e-reader or tap (tap) on the edge of the screen automatically recognizes the suspended page.
- More importantly, it has been used as a group with meb, and you will know that this app is carefully made for you.
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Meb Mobile E Books, a bookstore for people who love reading.
**** If using a typical Android mobile phone or Tablet such as samsung, Asus, load a normal Meb at *** *
*** Features ***
- Optimized for use with e-readers (e-ink screen).
- can read every move
- Book reader Designed to be readable Load it to read comfortably, not dramatic.
- Easy to change face By pressing a button on the e-reader or tap (tap) on the edge of the screen automatically recognizes the suspended page.
- More importantly, it has been used as a group with meb, and you will know that this app is carefully made for you.
******* Load more books on the web ********
Meb Mobile E Books, a bookstore for people who love reading.
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