Teach me a prayer that I can recite when I greet Imam Huseyn 'alaihis-salam' from distant cities and at home." I offered it. Thereupon he said:
“O Alkeme! Say the following (visit below) by uttering takbir after saluting that hadrat and then performing the two-rak'ah prayer, pointing to that hadrat. If you do this, you will have made the prayers of the angels who visited Imam Huseyn 'alaihis-salam. In this case, Allah will write hundreds of thousands of degrees for you and you will be like the person who was martyred with Imam Huseyn 'alaihis-salam, you will have their degrees and you will be known among those who were martyred with him. The rewards of those who visit are recorded.”
“O Alkeme! Say the following (visit below) by uttering takbir after saluting that hadrat and then performing the two-rak'ah prayer, pointing to that hadrat. If you do this, you will have made the prayers of the angels who visited Imam Huseyn 'alaihis-salam. In this case, Allah will write hundreds of thousands of degrees for you and you will be like the person who was martyred with Imam Huseyn 'alaihis-salam, you will have their degrees and you will be known among those who were martyred with him. The rewards of those who visit are recorded.”
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