Surah al-Maʻārij is the seventieth chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an with 44 verses (āyāt). The Surah takes its name from the word dhil Ma'arij in 3rd ayah. The word appears twice in the Quran.Abdullah Yusuf Ali an Indian Islamic scholar introduces the surah as “This is another Islamic eschatology Surah closely connected in subject matter with the last one. Patience and the mystery of Time will show the ways that climb the Heaven. Sin and Goodness must each eventually come to its own.”
Surah Ma'arij has 44 Verses and is regarded as one of those revealed in Mecca, though some of the Verses were revealed in Medina. The designation of the Chapter, connoting the angels’ places of ascent, derives from the third Verse. Similar to other Meccan Chapters, it mainly treats of Resurrection and warning to the polytheists and opponents.
It also deals with the states of the disbelievers on the Day of Resurrection and the characteristics of the peoples of Paradise and Hell. The opening Verses of the Chapter concerns sending down torments in this world whereby one of the deniers of Imam ‘Ali’s (as) guardianship (wilaya) was afflicted and lost his life whose detailed account will be mentioned under the first Verse.
Surah Al Ma'arij Benefits
1) The reward for reciting Surah Ma'arij is equivalent to the total number of people who keep up prayer and safeguard the property which has been entrusted to them.
2) Our Beloved Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (Radi allahu tala anhu) said that if Surah Ma‘arij is recited before sleeping, one keeps safe from the temptations of Shaitan.
3) Our Beloved Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (Radi allahu tala anhu) has said that the one who recites Surah Ma'arij will have his sins hidden on the Day of Judgement and he will enter Jannah alongside the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and he would be among those believers who gave answer to the call of prophet Nuh (alaihis salam)
4) If a person is captive, or under detention, in a prison, he should recite this surah Ma'arij there, because as soon as he completes it Allah would arrange his release and he would safely go back to his family.
5) Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he would not have secretion of semen till morning.
Surah Ma'arij has 44 Verses and is regarded as one of those revealed in Mecca, though some of the Verses were revealed in Medina. The designation of the Chapter, connoting the angels’ places of ascent, derives from the third Verse. Similar to other Meccan Chapters, it mainly treats of Resurrection and warning to the polytheists and opponents.
It also deals with the states of the disbelievers on the Day of Resurrection and the characteristics of the peoples of Paradise and Hell. The opening Verses of the Chapter concerns sending down torments in this world whereby one of the deniers of Imam ‘Ali’s (as) guardianship (wilaya) was afflicted and lost his life whose detailed account will be mentioned under the first Verse.
Surah Al Ma'arij Benefits
1) The reward for reciting Surah Ma'arij is equivalent to the total number of people who keep up prayer and safeguard the property which has been entrusted to them.
2) Our Beloved Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (Radi allahu tala anhu) said that if Surah Ma‘arij is recited before sleeping, one keeps safe from the temptations of Shaitan.
3) Our Beloved Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (Radi allahu tala anhu) has said that the one who recites Surah Ma'arij will have his sins hidden on the Day of Judgement and he will enter Jannah alongside the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and he would be among those believers who gave answer to the call of prophet Nuh (alaihis salam)
4) If a person is captive, or under detention, in a prison, he should recite this surah Ma'arij there, because as soon as he completes it Allah would arrange his release and he would safely go back to his family.
5) Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he would not have secretion of semen till morning.
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