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Surah Talaq

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About Surah Talaq

Surah Talaq is chapter no 65 of the Quran and is in the 28th juzʾ of the Quran. It is mainly divided into 2 parts. One which talks of the issue of divorce and some of its rulings and the second that discusses the outcomes of the infidels and polytheists as well as the believers.

Whoever recites surah Talaq and Tahrim (التحریم) in their obligatory prayers Allah will give them refuge from fear on the Day of Qiyamah.
They will be spared from going to hell, and in return for reciting these two chapters and acting upon them as these, He will make them enter heaven as they are looking at the Holy Prophet (peace be on him and his household). 2
Some other benefits of surah Talaq:

Reciting it 21 times to make another person love you (i.e. for taḥbīb [تَحبيب]).
Reciting it three times for expansion of provision.
Reciting it for being cured of illness and settlement of debts.

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