Assalamu 'alaikum.
Zain Abu Kautsar Murottal (Offline)
Assalamu 'alaikum. Thank you for downloading and using this application. InshaAllah you will like this application.In this application has some functions which will keep you listening, reading, learning Quran. If you want to use this app without Ads, you can remove Ads by purchasing this app. InshaAllah we will make new Apps with another Reciters, dont forget to support and make dua for us. JazakAllahu khairan.
Zain Abu Kautsar Murottal (Offline)
Assalamu 'alaikum. Thank you for downloading and using this application. InshaAllah you will like this application.In this application has some functions which will keep you listening, reading, learning Quran. If you want to use this app without Ads, you can remove Ads by purchasing this app. InshaAllah we will make new Apps with another Reciters, dont forget to support and make dua for us. JazakAllahu khairan.
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