Assalamu Ala'ikum.
IslamQA. The most popular islamic website, mashaAllah. This website benefit us with all aspects of islamic life for this world and Hereafter. In our app has funcionality which make it easy to read and share fatwas in 12 languages. This is online version of website, so you need to have internet on your mobile phone. This app include:
1) Free of ads (no ads)
2) Easy to use, fast.
3) Share any fatwa to whatsApp and other applications.
4) Exit, share app functions.
5) Swipe to down to refresh, reload
The website design changed by IslamQA. We will try to optimize our app according to new website design. Please update app, we will see how to do in future to try to back to old design
IslamQA. The most popular islamic website, mashaAllah. This website benefit us with all aspects of islamic life for this world and Hereafter. In our app has funcionality which make it easy to read and share fatwas in 12 languages. This is online version of website, so you need to have internet on your mobile phone. This app include:
1) Free of ads (no ads)
2) Easy to use, fast.
3) Share any fatwa to whatsApp and other applications.
4) Exit, share app functions.
5) Swipe to down to refresh, reload
The website design changed by IslamQA. We will try to optimize our app according to new website design. Please update app, we will see how to do in future to try to back to old design
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