Convert JPG, PNG to PDF for archiving.
Preserve exact replicas of important documents with the JPG or PNG to PDF converter.
OCR PDF document
OCR the PDF document and overlay text into PDF page.
Arrange files in any order
Drag and drop files until they’re organized just the way you want them and simple swipe to cancel the image, modern user interface and simple design.
Securing PDFs with passwords
Lock the PDF document with password, so only you can access the PDF document.
built in Image processing
You can resize, crop and flip the images.
Steps to convert Image to PDF document
1. Select multiple Images from internal storage or from cloud storage like google drive
2. Rearrange the images in any order
3. Crop and flip the image.
4. Convert to PDF with multiple options.
5. Share the converted PDF document to others.
Free OFFLINE Image to PDF Converter helps you to Select Multiple Images and Combine them into a Single PDF Document.
Image PDF Converter App : Make capable PDF reports from your portfolios, certificates and other important documents while applying for a business or job. It's The Best JPG to PDF converter app, It Help You to make reports, invoices, manage notes, learning materials Instantly.
JPG to PDF Converter – Image to PDF converter app is a completely free app. Image could be converted to PDF in a second and designed with more friendly approached design. Image to PDF converter can use in offline mode.
PNG to PDF converter offline you can choose the multiple images from gallery or camera in order with image reorder option and convert it to PDF in a single click you can view list of selected images. In our image to PDF converter free app you can attach the images via on spot camera image capture and convert it to PDF. You can print and share the PDF data converted from image to PDF.
You can also use additional security for the created pdf file with this text to pdf converter like you can add a password for individual or all pdf file. You can also change the password. It can also extract an image from the file also. This app has many more things to offer. So download it, like it and share it.
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