The New Living Translation, also known as The Holy Bible, New Living Translation (NTV, English: New Living Translation) is an updated version of the Bible. This version is translated from sources in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages. It is a dynamic translation.
The translation of this biblical version took approximately 10 years and was produced by around 50 leading biblical scholars. It is written in a current Spanish language, which facilitates its understanding and reading in almost all of the text. The publication is in charge of the Tyndale Publishing House.
The team consisted of many English translators and the result is a translation of the English version, evident in following the tradition of the King James version in terms of preferring to translate משפת and δικαιοσυνε, out of personal righteousness or piety or good conduct or a life straight, instead of justice, which is a social concept, meaning that it reduces the meaning of the text where the concept of justice appears to an individualized version of the concept.
The translation of this biblical version took approximately 10 years and was produced by around 50 leading biblical scholars. It is written in a current Spanish language, which facilitates its understanding and reading in almost all of the text. The publication is in charge of the Tyndale Publishing House.
The team consisted of many English translators and the result is a translation of the English version, evident in following the tradition of the King James version in terms of preferring to translate משפת and δικαιοσυνε, out of personal righteousness or piety or good conduct or a life straight, instead of justice, which is a social concept, meaning that it reduces the meaning of the text where the concept of justice appears to an individualized version of the concept.
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