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Daily Bible Verses with Images

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About Daily Bible Verses with Images

Daily Bible Verses with Images for Wallpaper is a free android app that contains lots of bible verses and quotes with images background HD in English (New International Version) and update every day so you can use them as wallpaper or post on your story or social media status such as Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp or other social media.

This daily bible quotes app with pictures help us as Christian to remember the bible verses and the word of God, make it easier for us to read God's commands or prohibitions, express our faith and feelings through bible verses or as encouragement for us and we can share to our friends on social media.

Contains hundreds of bible verses and added every day and consist of many categories, such as about women, men, kids, prayers, marriage, easter, christmas, future, love, family, faith, and dozens of other categories that are suitable in various situations and struggles that you face in everyday life and make it easier for you to find the appropriate topic.

- Download and save bible gold verse images to the gallery
- Set as wallpaper from app (home screen and lock screen)
- Instantly post to story / status / post / social media feeds
- "Favorites" feature to mark your favorite verses
- Daily update and notification

Hopefully this app can be a motivation, inspiration, encouragement and can remind and help us to always include God in our daily activity.

Thank you.

You need internet access to to run this app.

Daily Bible Verses with Images Screenshots