This Song of the Church application (KJ) is an application that contains a collection of songs contained in the book Song of the Song of the Church which is commonly used in church services in Indonesia. Kidung Jemaat itself is a hymn book published by YAMUGER (Church Music Foundation in Indonesia).
> Search facilities, both through song numbers, titles, and words and sentences in song lyrics to make it easier for you to find the song in question.
> "Favorites" feature to mark songs so they can be accessed quickly later offline.
> "Share" feature with various options such as to social media to share songs in the Song of the Church.
Hopefully this Kidung Jama'at (KJ) application can be useful for us during worship services or daily use.
Thank you, Lord Jesus bless.
You need internet access to be able to run this application properly.
> Search facilities, both through song numbers, titles, and words and sentences in song lyrics to make it easier for you to find the song in question.
> "Favorites" feature to mark songs so they can be accessed quickly later offline.
> "Share" feature with various options such as to social media to share songs in the Song of the Church.
Hopefully this Kidung Jama'at (KJ) application can be useful for us during worship services or daily use.
Thank you, Lord Jesus bless.
You need internet access to be able to run this application properly.
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