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Bíblia Católica em português

Bible KJV
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About Bíblia Católica em português

👍 The Bible for free for everyone! Free Catholic Bible in Portuguese is the best and most complete application that makes all the texts of the Holy Scriptures available on your device.

Do you want to say your prayers or study through the Holy Catholic Bible, but never have time? Or is your Bible an inadequate size to be carried daily, making it difficult to read? With the Catholic Bible app, you can then get a daily reading of God's word available for free on Google Play.

👍 The Catholic Bible app is a free application that offers the Complete Holy Bible, having a total of 73 books: 46 inserted in the Old Testament and 27 that make up the New Testament, unlike some applications that only provide 66 books, which corresponds to a Bible coming from Protestantism from which Luther and his followers excluded the books of Tobias, Esther 10, 4-16, Judith, Daniel 3, 24-20; 13-14, Wisdom, Baruch, Ecclesiasticus, 1 and 2 Maccabees.
Easy to install and free, you can also use your Bible when your device is offline, that is, without internet access.

👍 The coolest thing about this is that you can also mark and save Bible verses, in addition to changing the font size to make it easier to read and also choose the reading mode: for the day or for the night.

👍 Share the Holy Bible: whenever we read some verses or passages from the Bible, we identify with a situation and even remember someone close to us, then the Catholic Bible app offers a feature to send by email or via social networks.

👍 You can create a list of favorite verses organized by date and add notes about each of them. You can also remember the last verse that was read and create images with verses to share.

👍 If you have difficulty finding a Bible verse, the Catholic Bible app helps you search using keywords.

👍 You will receive free verse notifications on your phone daily or weekly, or if you wish, you will receive them according to the set time, whether daily, only on Sunday or only when you want to access.

Download the Catholic Bible app for free now and be a prayerful Catholic, above all an evangelizer as Jesus Christ himself asked: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mc, 16-15).

👍 As we know, the Holy Catholic Bible is divided into two large parts: Old Testament, that is: all books written from the 15th century BC until its birth.

📖 The Old Testament is divided into:

Books of the Law, that is, the first five books that we can know through Moses.
Historical Books that tell how kingdoms emerged through various conflicts between different peoples.
Textbooks that, as the name suggests, these books show the literary culture of the Hebrew people and their wisdom.
Prophetic Books that were written by the prophets ending with John the Baptist, the forerunner, the one who prepared the way for Christ to come to us saying: “Behold the Lamb of God, he who takes away the sin of the world” which will be narrated in the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John (1,29)

📖 The New Testament, which are all those books written after the birth of Christ until the end of the 1st century AD.

It is divided between Gospel Books in which the Apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John narrate the birth, public life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Historical Book shows how the Church grew in various parts of the world after Christ's teachings.

The Epistles are books that present the doctrines taught by some Apostles of Christ, taken to different communities and thus applied.
The Prophetic Book that presents the battle of the Church of Christ against the forces of evil, that is, Saint John the evangelist prophesying about the victory of Jesus Christ in the Final Judgment.

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