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Dafa Laundry

Aplikasi Laundry Manajer-Order Laundry - Bilas.id
10+ downloads

About Dafa Laundry

Now there is an application that is specifically integrated with DAFA Laundry at the Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School - Batam.
With the content application, all DAFA Laundry customers, especially those who live in and around the Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School, can order Laundry Services via their own application and can monitor the Laundry Production Process in real time through the application.
Another convenience is for the Santri Guardian to be able to monitor the laundry activities of the students at DAFA Laundry in the form of:

- Check Quota and Package Active Period
- Check Deposit Balance
- Check Total Kasbon
- As well as being able to monitor / check the frequency of students' laundry that is processed at DAFA Laundry.

For now DAFA Laundry can only accept orders for residents (Teachers, Santri & Employees) of the Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School.