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North Carolina DMV Test

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About North Carolina DMV Test

This is a driver license practice and test tool specially designed for North Carolina.
The official North Carolina DMV Driver Knowledge Test contains 25 questions from a pool. To pass, you must successfully answer 20 of the questions (80%) on your test. 

Use this tool to verify if you are ready or not.

Unique advantages compare with other APPs:
1. Well-organized signs
Traffic Signs are carefully organized into different groups, e.g. regulatory signs, traffic control signs and etc. All signs can be shown in list mode or flashcard mode. Makes it easy for people to remember these traffic signs.

2. Practice & Test
Questions can be presented in practice mode or test mode. Use practice mode for your daily practice and test mode to check your score.

3. Error tracking
This app will save every single question you answered wrong during practice. And you can review them later on. You will never miss questions you missed before.


Remember, studying the NC Driver Manual is a requirement for successfully passing the driver knowledge test.  
Good luck to your DMV driver license test!

North Carolina DMV Test Screenshots