Tallinn transport has never been easier than Tallinn TBT (Tram Bus Trolley).
Buses, trams, trolley or trains, our app gives you real-time information with accurate timetables to get you to your destination quickly and comfortably.
Designed for better use of Tallinn transport, it's your perfect guide to getting around the city, with information on all public transport, be it buses, trams, trolleys or trains.
Download the app and find out how to enjoy smooth and efficient public transport in Tallinn.
Before you vote, write to us at tallinntbt@boiradev.com and explain your problem; our team will get back to you.
This app uses open data from Tallinn Transport and has been developed independently by the public administration.
Buses, trams, trolley or trains, our app gives you real-time information with accurate timetables to get you to your destination quickly and comfortably.
Designed for better use of Tallinn transport, it's your perfect guide to getting around the city, with information on all public transport, be it buses, trams, trolleys or trains.
Download the app and find out how to enjoy smooth and efficient public transport in Tallinn.
Before you vote, write to us at tallinntbt@boiradev.com and explain your problem; our team will get back to you.
This app uses open data from Tallinn Transport and has been developed independently by the public administration.
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