All the information you need about transport in Barcelona (Metro, AMB and TMB Bus, Rodalies, FGC and Bicing) in real time and in a single app.
ð Whether you are Catalan, tourist, student or on a business visit, this is your essential app to get around on public transport in Barcelona.
ð Getting around Barcelona by public transport is easier with BarcelonaMBR.
Barcelona Metro ð
⢠Times per station and platform
⢠Map of Metro Barcelona
⢠Routes and stations by lines
⢠Prices by TMB Metro Barcelona zones
AMB / TMB Bus ð
⢠TMB Bus / AMB bus times
⢠AMB and TMB Bus maps with lines and schedules
⢠Favorite stops TMB bus / AMB temps bus
Rodalies Barcelona / Rodalies Catalunyað
⢠Rodalies times and schedules
⢠Calculation of routes and routes
⢠Map Rodalies Barcelona and Rodalies Catalonia
⢠Prices and rates by zones
FGC Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya
⢠FGC Hours / FGC Hours
⢠Rates and lines with FGC Horaris
⢠FGC Map with geolocation
Bicing ð²
⢠Bicing stations: occupancy and actual availability
⢠Favorite Bicing Stops
Android 5+ (API 21+)
Please, before making a negative comment write to explaining in detail what problem you are experiencing and you will receive a response from our support team.
This app obtains information from open data sources (Open Data) of transport companies and has been developed independently without any official link with the Public Administration.
ð Whether you are Catalan, tourist, student or on a business visit, this is your essential app to get around on public transport in Barcelona.
ð Getting around Barcelona by public transport is easier with BarcelonaMBR.
Barcelona Metro ð
⢠Times per station and platform
⢠Map of Metro Barcelona
⢠Routes and stations by lines
⢠Prices by TMB Metro Barcelona zones
AMB / TMB Bus ð
⢠TMB Bus / AMB bus times
⢠AMB and TMB Bus maps with lines and schedules
⢠Favorite stops TMB bus / AMB temps bus
Rodalies Barcelona / Rodalies Catalunyað
⢠Rodalies times and schedules
⢠Calculation of routes and routes
⢠Map Rodalies Barcelona and Rodalies Catalonia
⢠Prices and rates by zones
FGC Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya
⢠FGC Hours / FGC Hours
⢠Rates and lines with FGC Horaris
⢠FGC Map with geolocation
Bicing ð²
⢠Bicing stations: occupancy and actual availability
⢠Favorite Bicing Stops
Android 5+ (API 21+)
Please, before making a negative comment write to explaining in detail what problem you are experiencing and you will receive a response from our support team.
This app obtains information from open data sources (Open Data) of transport companies and has been developed independently without any official link with the Public Administration.
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