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Constitution Of Zimbabwe 2022

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About Constitution Of Zimbabwe 2022

Good App For Study And Read Constitution Of Zimbabwe 2022

Disclaimer: This app does not represent the government entity

‘Constitution of Zimbabwe’ is the Best Zimbabwean Constitution learning App with latest Amendments. It is a No Cost and offline app providing detail Section-wise and Chapter-wise Legal Information of Zimbabwe.

The "Constitution of Zimbabwe" is the supreme law of the Republic of Zimbabwe. It was voted for and approved in a referendum of 16 March 2013. Before the current constitution, Zimbabwe used a constitution negotiated at the 1979 Lancaster House Agreement as Zimbabwe became independent of the United Kingdom after a protracted war of independence.

The Constitution is binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them. Any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe is the supreme law of Zimbabwe. The independence constitution of 1980 was the result of the 1979 Lancaster House Agreement and is sometimes called the Lancaster Constitution. A proposed constitution, drafted by a constitutional convention, was defeated by a constitutional referendum during 2000.

This ‘Constitution of Zimbabwe' app is a user friendly app that provides the entire Constitution of Zimbabwe including all legal procedures, schedules and amendments as notified by Government of Zimbabwe.

It’s like whole Constitution of Zimbabwe in your own device. It is precise n Clear. It is a bare act app that provides easy access to the important Legal information Zimbabwe.

This ‘Constitution of Zimbabwe' app is very useful for Law professionals (Lawyer, Attorney and others alike.), Teachers, Students, anyone interested in learning this Law of Zimbabwe.
Constitution of Zimbabwe app is for knowing your limitations as well as to create awareness for people through the digital information way.

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