Nursing Calculator is an application to perform nursing math calculations such as:
Medication dilution
Calculate serum droppers
Calculate adult BMI
convert pounds to kilograms
Calculate Probable due date
Calculate weeks of gestation
Calculate percentages
Calculate ideal weight of an adult
calculate glasgow scale
Calculate the age of a person
Calculate intravenous fluids
Calculate the Apgar in the newborn
acetaminophen calculator
Calculate norton scale
Calculate family Apgar
Calculate the most persentile pediatric BMI
Calculate serum volume
The application is free, but it has a members area to enter.
This application is for nursing students or professionals.
Doubts or queries contact me at the email Lic. Guillén
Medication dilution
Calculate serum droppers
Calculate adult BMI
convert pounds to kilograms
Calculate Probable due date
Calculate weeks of gestation
Calculate percentages
Calculate ideal weight of an adult
calculate glasgow scale
Calculate the age of a person
Calculate intravenous fluids
Calculate the Apgar in the newborn
acetaminophen calculator
Calculate norton scale
Calculate family Apgar
Calculate the most persentile pediatric BMI
Calculate serum volume
The application is free, but it has a members area to enter.
This application is for nursing students or professionals.
Doubts or queries contact me at the email Lic. Guillén
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