Effective communication (effective communications) communication is targeted, effective, or achieve --menyampaikan information (to inform), mengibur (to entertain), or persuade (to persuade).
Barbara Brown in "What is Effective Communication?" on page Live Strong said that effective communication involves a clear, direct statements, and active listening (clear, direct speech, active listening).
Communication is the process of sharing (sharing) information, thoughts, and feelings among people through conversation (speaking), writing (writing), or body language (body languange).
Communication is said to be effective if the information, ideas, or the message can be received and understood so as to create a common perception, change behavior, or get information (be know / understand).
Barbara Brown in "What is Effective Communication?" on page Live Strong said that effective communication involves a clear, direct statements, and active listening (clear, direct speech, active listening).
Communication is the process of sharing (sharing) information, thoughts, and feelings among people through conversation (speaking), writing (writing), or body language (body languange).
Communication is said to be effective if the information, ideas, or the message can be received and understood so as to create a common perception, change behavior, or get information (be know / understand).
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