The Siluets Method was born from the perception of a reality very common in the units of our network: women who look for treatments that aid in weight loss, besides the aesthetic treatments, leading to a reeducation of habits.
The program aims to promote weight loss and body fat in an expressive way, maintaining the health, beauty and permanence of the results obtained in the treatments.
To lose weight is among the wishes of women worldwide: 3 out of 5 women want to lose weight, at least 1k. When we talk about more significant losses, above 5k, this proportion is even higher: every 5 women, 4 want to get rid of the extra kilos.
In addition, "the fear of getting fat" is among the 5 biggest fears of modern women. And 60% of the Brazilian population is overweight.
The Siluets Method Slimming Program aims to improve customer outcomes by combining effective treatments with a 360 degree metabolic program. It is practical, interactive and customized according to the profile and need of each client.
The program aims to promote weight loss and body fat in an expressive way, maintaining the health, beauty and permanence of the results obtained in the treatments.
To lose weight is among the wishes of women worldwide: 3 out of 5 women want to lose weight, at least 1k. When we talk about more significant losses, above 5k, this proportion is even higher: every 5 women, 4 want to get rid of the extra kilos.
In addition, "the fear of getting fat" is among the 5 biggest fears of modern women. And 60% of the Brazilian population is overweight.
The Siluets Method Slimming Program aims to improve customer outcomes by combining effective treatments with a 360 degree metabolic program. It is practical, interactive and customized according to the profile and need of each client.
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