I feed and energize my body and make my heart happy
It is a recipe book of foods of Mapuche origin created to spread, promote, local food systems, to eat healthy, protect the environment and maintain cultural diversity. In the Mapuche culture, cooking is a tradition practiced by women and consists of transmitting the wisdom of a people, in this case, the Mapuche people.
Through the preparation of the meals, the cultural practices that are elaborated to keep the che (person) balanced, with newen (energy) and strength are recreated. The practice of Yafütuwün involves valuing food as a source of spiritual energy that gives courage and strength to each person. Formerly in the communities, food was extracted directly from the mapu (nature), that is, without the intervention of chemical elements.
Currently the Mapuche communities still conserve products and ingredients such as; Kachilla (wheat), mürke (toasted flour), kako (mote), kofke wa (corn pan or humitas), Pankutxa (pantrucas) Kollof iyael, (charquicán de cochayuyos), yiwiñ kofke (sopaipaillas) among others, with the aim of maintaining the ancestral and natural cultural characteristics. Among the most consumed foods are found below in the ancestral recipe book written in Mapuzugun and Spanish.
I feed and energize my body and make my heart happy
It is a recipe book of foods of Mapuche origin created to spread, promote, local food systems, to eat healthy, protect the environment and maintain cultural diversity. In the Mapuche culture, cooking is a tradition practiced by women and consists of transmitting the wisdom of a people, in this case, the Mapuche people.
Through the preparation of the meals, the cultural practices that are elaborated to keep the che (person) balanced, with newen (energy) and strength are recreated. The practice of Yafütuwün involves valuing food as a source of spiritual energy that gives courage and strength to each person. Formerly in the communities, food was extracted directly from the mapu (nature), that is, without the intervention of chemical elements.
Currently the Mapuche communities still conserve products and ingredients such as; Kachilla (wheat), mürke (toasted flour), kako (mote), kofke wa (corn pan or humitas), Pankutxa (pantrucas) Kollof iyael, (charquicán de cochayuyos), yiwiñ kofke (sopaipaillas) among others, with the aim of maintaining the ancestral and natural cultural characteristics. Among the most consumed foods are found below in the ancestral recipe book written in Mapuzugun and Spanish.
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