The tension between memory and history cannot be resolved by canceling each other, but by questioning the perspectives one has of the past. This project by locating the spatial perspective, by locating the events beyond the temporal axis, involves temporarily revisiting the place of the events, that is, placing the historical landmark in contextual terms, which from that perspective can constitute Material Heritage.
"HERITAGE AND TERRITORY. MULTIMEDIA CATALOGATION, MAPUCHE HISTORY AND ITS LOCATIONS ”, is a project for research and dissemination of results, funded by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage, through the FONDART Regional Araucanía, in the line of Cultural Heritage, modality of Investigation.
The project consisted of identifying specific spatial locations, preferably in the La Araucanía Region (8 locations), the Del Bio Bio Region (1 location) and the Los Rios Region (1 location), in which they were developed historical situations relevant to the Mapuche people, between the 18th and 20th centuries.
We understand that systematizing this information and making it visible on widely accessible media supports will contribute to the recognition and differentiated value that Mapuche history has in Chilean global society.
We also intend that this work generates precedents for an eventual consideration of heritage sites or spaces, as well as valuing audiovisual and multimedia formats in the dissemination of this type of knowledge. In other words, through this work we propose the reconstruction of a basic aspect of historical memory, which is the identification of the space and time in which the events occur to make visible and constitute Mapuche heritage.
We make available to the entire community and people interested in this topic, especially students and teachers, to make use of this material and contribute to the knowledge of the Mapuche people.
"HERITAGE AND TERRITORY. MULTIMEDIA CATALOGATION, MAPUCHE HISTORY AND ITS LOCATIONS ”, is a project for research and dissemination of results, funded by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage, through the FONDART Regional Araucanía, in the line of Cultural Heritage, modality of Investigation.
The project consisted of identifying specific spatial locations, preferably in the La Araucanía Region (8 locations), the Del Bio Bio Region (1 location) and the Los Rios Region (1 location), in which they were developed historical situations relevant to the Mapuche people, between the 18th and 20th centuries.
We understand that systematizing this information and making it visible on widely accessible media supports will contribute to the recognition and differentiated value that Mapuche history has in Chilean global society.
We also intend that this work generates precedents for an eventual consideration of heritage sites or spaces, as well as valuing audiovisual and multimedia formats in the dissemination of this type of knowledge. In other words, through this work we propose the reconstruction of a basic aspect of historical memory, which is the identification of the space and time in which the events occur to make visible and constitute Mapuche heritage.
We make available to the entire community and people interested in this topic, especially students and teachers, to make use of this material and contribute to the knowledge of the Mapuche people.
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