An easy to use tool to view, learn or memorize or rememorize all 13 Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Review the Mormon articles of faith in a clean list, and quiz yourself on each of them in multiple ways. The quiz presents the words from each article of faith in a scrambled order, you just tap the words in the correct order. Many different levels: all words scrambled, a random set of half the words scrambled, only long words or short words scrambled, all words with a first letter displayed as a hint... etc. Suggest more levels if you can think of them. This is a great Sunday app for primary kids, youth and adults.
Supports 4 languages: English, Spanish, French and German. Also options to change font size for easier readability.
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Supports 4 languages: English, Spanish, French and German. Also options to change font size for easier readability.
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