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A New Philosophy-Henri Bergson

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About A New Philosophy-Henri Bergson

"You have captured the aim and spirit underneath and beyond the approach... Your research could not be more thorough or accurate to the original." Henri Bergson's Edouard le Roy's explanation of Bergson's philosophy for the general public in a handful of essays that would form the body of this book, A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson: Henri Bergson, received nothing but acclaim from the eminent French philosopher Henri Bergson. Le Roy anticipated that this collection would serve as an introduction to Bergson's writings, making them simpler to read and understand, as well as a primer to his "new philosophy. "Bergson's new philosophy essentially contended that intuition is more profound than intellect. His work was seen as the most significant challenge to the mechanistic understanding of nature. He was a staunch opponent of Cartesian dualism, arguing that psychological experiences should not be reduced to physical states. Bergson, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927, is considered to have predicted aspects of relativity theory and current scientific theories of the mind. EDOUARD LE ROY (1870-1954) was the most prominent student of French philosopher Henri Bergson. He served as Bergson's "permanent replacement" in the Chair of Modern Philosophy at the Collège de France from 1914 to 1921, when the philosopher was on French diplomatic missions.

Some of the topics are:

I. Mr Bergson's Work and the General Directions of Contemporary Thought.
II. Immediacy.
III. Theory of Perception.
IV. Critique of Language.
V. The Problem of Consciousness. Duration and Liberty.
VI. The Problem of Evolution: Life and Matter.
VII. The Problem of Knowledge: Analysis and Intuition.
VIII. Method.
IX. Teaching.

There is a thinker whose name is today on everybody's lips, who is deemed by acknowledged philosophers worthy of comparison with the greatest, and who, with his pen as well as his brain, has overleapt all technical obstacles, and won himself a reading both outside and inside the schools. Beyond any doubt, and by common consent, Mr Henri Bergson's work will appear to future eyes among the most characteristic, fertile, and glorious of our era.

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