The size vary in different persons. The average of mankind have them each about the bigness of a pigeon's egg; but sometimes they are larger. It seldom makes any difference in the actual power of procreation whether these organs are large or small, though persons can generally perform the act of copulation oftener, and with less exhaustion. Such men should marry with great caution. Many females are incapable of affording them pleasure from the comparative smallness of their private parts; and they suffer much pain and ill health from such intercourse. On the contrary, men whose genital organs are not fully developed, though they may impregnate, yet they cannot always give full satisfaction to the female. If it could so be that people about to marry were properly matched in their private parts.
Abortions and Miscarriages
Abortions, how produced
Child-getting, how to avoid
Clitoris, the
Conception, modes of preventing
Conception, signs of
Conception, how to avoid
Drugs to destroy the Semen
Ergot of Rye
Fallopian Tubes
Female Generative Organs
Female Private Parts
Fœtus, development of the
Fœtus, size and position of
Hymen, the
Impregnation, manner of
Intellect, how formed
Labor and Child-birth
Longevity, causes of
Love Powders
Male Generative Organs
Management at difficult Births
Marriage, natural laws of
Orgasms of a Female
Ovaries of a Female
Ova, expulsion of the
Ovum, or Egg
malformations of the
Pregnancy, how to detect
Semen, the
Semen, animalcules of the
Sexual Abuses
Sexual Desires
Sexual Enjoyment of Females
Sexual Feeling in Females
Sexual Indulgence
Sexual Indulgence, time for
Sexual Intercourse, too early
Sexual Intercourse, too frequent
Sexual Intercourse, enjoyment of
Sexual Intercourse, position at
Sexual Organs, Food to stimulate
Sexual Union
Sex of a Child, how determined
Testes, the
Temperaments, laws of the
Unborn Child, growth of the
Unborn Child, intellect of
Uterus, or Womb
Vital Force, influence of
Wife, choice of a
Why Children look like Parents
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Abortions and Miscarriages
Abortions, how produced
Child-getting, how to avoid
Clitoris, the
Conception, modes of preventing
Conception, signs of
Conception, how to avoid
Drugs to destroy the Semen
Ergot of Rye
Fallopian Tubes
Female Generative Organs
Female Private Parts
Fœtus, development of the
Fœtus, size and position of
Hymen, the
Impregnation, manner of
Intellect, how formed
Labor and Child-birth
Longevity, causes of
Love Powders
Male Generative Organs
Management at difficult Births
Marriage, natural laws of
Orgasms of a Female
Ovaries of a Female
Ova, expulsion of the
Ovum, or Egg
malformations of the
Pregnancy, how to detect
Semen, the
Semen, animalcules of the
Sexual Abuses
Sexual Desires
Sexual Enjoyment of Females
Sexual Feeling in Females
Sexual Indulgence
Sexual Indulgence, time for
Sexual Intercourse, too early
Sexual Intercourse, too frequent
Sexual Intercourse, enjoyment of
Sexual Intercourse, position at
Sexual Organs, Food to stimulate
Sexual Union
Sex of a Child, how determined
Testes, the
Temperaments, laws of the
Unborn Child, growth of the
Unborn Child, intellect of
Uterus, or Womb
Vital Force, influence of
Wife, choice of a
Why Children look like Parents
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