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About CSDM


The High Council of the Malian Diaspora (C.S.D.M) is a non-profit association created in Mali on September 4, 2015, whose president is Mr. Mohamed Cherif HAIDARA. An association whose ambition is the management of migration, immigration and the defense of the rights of Malians in the diaspora.

Talking about our compatriots living abroad, it is first of all to explain the important contribution of these economic soldiers whose remittances weigh heavily in the economy of Mali. It is strong their weight on GDP, 15% since constituting about 6 million living souls outside our borders.

The creation in 2015 of the Higher Council of the Malian Diaspora (CSDM), an umbrella structure that in a period of time, is talked about since having managed to set up basic structures around the world who defend the rights and the interests of our compatriots living abroad.

In the oven and mill, always present everywhere on the five continents where our compatriots live who today, appreciate rightly the actions of the CSDM.

Also, it must be remembered that in the life of the Nation, our umbrella is very active. As proof, his fight for the implementation of the recommendations from the National Conference of 1992 which provides for the representation of Malians abroad to the National Assembly.

Indeed, since its creation, the CSDM has been effective in the service of the Malians from the outside, it will remain, today, tomorrow and forever, in the statutory niche which concerns the defense, the protection of the rights and duties of the Malians of the diaspora.

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