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White noise forest

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About White noise forest

[White noise forest] is the best app that collects white noise that is known to be effective in many areas, such as improving concentration, soothing babies, and insomnia.

[White noise forest] is a mixture of various frequencies and is a variety of natural sounds such as rain, waves, and waterfalls.

As a result, it stimulates the sense of hearing, relieves tension, and gives a sense of refreshment to make you feel good.

Above all, has the effect of neutralizing unwanted noise with pleasant noise.

Hundreds of high-quality sound sources are installed when the app is installed, and all sound sources can be used immediately without additional downloads.

You can see a good effect in the following cases.
- When you can't study because the surroundings are too noisy
- When you can't sleep well due to insomnia
- When you get angry with the noise between floors
- When it is difficult for a baby to fall asleep

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