Calculadora Obstétrica UV icon

Calculadora Obstétrica UV

Cristian Carreño León
5.0 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Calculadora Obstétrica UV

Obstetric calculator UV: is a tool designed for use by Midwives (s) to facilitate the calculation of:

- Gestational age according FUR (Date of last menstrual period)
- FUR Operational
- Estimated due date
- Start date Prenatal Rest (Valid for Chile).
- Relationship of Fetal / Gestational Age Weight (According to the growth curves for Chile to 2010).
- Uterine height calculation by weeks of pregnancy (Valid for Chile)

We will be updating the application to be adding new features

Developed by University of Valparaiso
Faculty of Medicine - School of Midwifery
2017 All rights reserved.

Idea of ​​the Teacher: Francisco Pantoja Molina
Developed by Professor Cristian Carreño León

Calculadora Obstétrica UV Screenshots