This is a Bluetooth serial monitor interface for experiments with Arduino & Bluetooth
Can use with Bluetooth modules like HC-05, HC-06
Special Features
★It turns on Bluetooth from app
★It can scan for available devices
★Can select relevant device when more than one device available
★Customizable interface & features
★Auto Connect feature
If this feature enabled app will save the last connected Bluetooth module mac-address and try to connect that module when app starting. You can toggle this feature enable or disable from settings
Sample Code
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
SoftwareSerial bt(2, 3); // RX | TX (Wiring: RX->TX of BT Module, TX->RX of BT Module, Use level shifter or resistor voltage divider if your BT module use 3.3V Logic level)
void setup(){
void loop(){
if (bt.available())
if (Serial.available())
This will send your PC serial monitor Input to app and app input to PC
The app will recognize the end of the message from 'r' character.
So select "Carriage return" or "Both NL & CR" in the PC serial monitor.
And also u should use println() instead of print() when make your own code with some commands.
This doesn't show the msg in the app because doesn't contains 'r' int the end of message.
so u have to code like below
bt.println("Hello"); or bt.print("Hellor");
Both show the output in the app because both containing 'r'
Can use with Bluetooth modules like HC-05, HC-06
Special Features
★It turns on Bluetooth from app
★It can scan for available devices
★Can select relevant device when more than one device available
★Customizable interface & features
★Auto Connect feature
If this feature enabled app will save the last connected Bluetooth module mac-address and try to connect that module when app starting. You can toggle this feature enable or disable from settings
Sample Code
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
SoftwareSerial bt(2, 3); // RX | TX (Wiring: RX->TX of BT Module, TX->RX of BT Module, Use level shifter or resistor voltage divider if your BT module use 3.3V Logic level)
void setup(){
void loop(){
if (bt.available())
if (Serial.available())
This will send your PC serial monitor Input to app and app input to PC
The app will recognize the end of the message from 'r' character.
So select "Carriage return" or "Both NL & CR" in the PC serial monitor.
And also u should use println() instead of print() when make your own code with some commands.
This doesn't show the msg in the app because doesn't contains 'r' int the end of message.
so u have to code like below
bt.println("Hello"); or bt.print("Hellor");
Both show the output in the app because both containing 'r'
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