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You can easy read news, listen broadcaster from NHK NEWS with quick speed
[Main Features]
- Read Japanese news daily with video, image, support full furigana, kanakana, hirgana
- Special, you can read news, listen news with offline mode.
- Also you can custom display font size to read news
- Share news with your friend
- Unlimited save news
- Suite with JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1 level.
[Comming Features]
- Optimize speed when load kanji and display furigana
- Swipe to read next, pre news
- Add favorite news
- Auto play broadcaster news with locate device
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You can easy read news, listen broadcaster from NHK NEWS with quick speed
[Main Features]
- Read Japanese news daily with video, image, support full furigana, kanakana, hirgana
- Special, you can read news, listen news with offline mode.
- Also you can custom display font size to read news
- Share news with your friend
- Unlimited save news
- Suite with JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1 level.
[Comming Features]
- Optimize speed when load kanji and display furigana
- Swipe to read next, pre news
- Add favorite news
- Auto play broadcaster news with locate device
Thanks for your using !
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