Linux Commands icon

Linux Commands

3.6 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Linux Commands

- By using this application user can know how to use different types of commands in Linux Opreting System

- almost all commands covered here all the features of our app.

-Tips & Tricks for Linux and Some Windows Commands.

-You can add your command as Favourite.

-You can view dashboard in Grid and List Layout.

- All the Linux Commands Are Sorted In A To Z Assending Order so any user can easity find commands what they want.

- User Can Search Directly By Using Quick Search Feature Of Our Linux Commands Android application

---* New Features : *---
Like :

-File System Hierarchy commands
- Basic Commands
- Text Editor commands
-Commands Mode
-Insert Mode
-Extended Mode
- Searching commands
-File Permission
-Process Managment
-System Info
-Network Port Number

---* New Existing: *---
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This Application Developed By AndroBuilders Developers

Linux Commands Screenshots