db Corporate Banking icon

db Corporate Banking

Deutsche Bank AG
1,000+ downloads

About db Corporate Banking

"db Corporate Banking is the official application of the Deutsche Bank Italia Group dedicated to Professionals and Companies, account holders and holders of db Corporate Banking, to access and operate easily from smartphones.

Here are the main features of the application:
- Accounts and reports: to have a global view of the reports, check the balance and movements of the current accounts of the Companies you are connected to
- Single lists and bank transfers: to carry out transactions with your bank account, check the bank transfers made and those in progress, order the revocation or authorize on the move payments already entered and to be sent
- Payments: to make effect payments, perform MAV and RAV and check the payments made wherever and whenever you want
- Communications: to view the documentation relating to your reports

To access My Bank, you must have activated the db Corporate Banking service and use its access codes.
If you have not yet subscribed to the db Corporate Banking service, go to your reference desk or contact your manager. "

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