For stock investors who are looking for a calculator to help plan their investments. Whether to find the average price for a stock, calculate the profit and loss ratio, the Risk to Reward Ratio, calculate the profit and loss of selling shares. Download this stock app. Go one. End.
Easy to use and convenient with buttons to increase and decrease the number of shares, increase the trading price that increases and decreases according to the steps like the stock market. No need to delete and type again and again. will calculate the weighted shares or calculating profit and loss is easier than ever
Weighted Stock - Can specify the number and price of shares to be weighted without limits. for accurate planning of stock purchases in advance
Calculate the sale of shares - specify the number of shares, buy price and desired sell price. to calculate profit/loss in advance with showing the percentage of profit and loss
Calculate Risk to Reward Ratio - for accurate investment plans It is important to plan entry points with profit margins greater than cut-loss portions. Just specify the buy price, stop loss price and take profit price only.
Easy to use and convenient with buttons to increase and decrease the number of shares, increase the trading price that increases and decreases according to the steps like the stock market. No need to delete and type again and again. will calculate the weighted shares or calculating profit and loss is easier than ever
Weighted Stock - Can specify the number and price of shares to be weighted without limits. for accurate planning of stock purchases in advance
Calculate the sale of shares - specify the number of shares, buy price and desired sell price. to calculate profit/loss in advance with showing the percentage of profit and loss
Calculate Risk to Reward Ratio - for accurate investment plans It is important to plan entry points with profit margins greater than cut-loss portions. Just specify the buy price, stop loss price and take profit price only.
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