This application allows you send VOICE commands to a controller like Arduino.
To use it, enter the name of a control action followed by the data you would
like to be sent to the controller when the control action is called.
On CALLING OUT these control actions commands are sent to the micro-controller via a blue tooth module. e.g HC05.
A sample of Arduino code is within the application to guide on how to use this application to make the Arduino perform some out of this world staff !!
1. with this app you can have as many independent projects as you like
2. as if NO.1 is not enough, you can have as many control actions per project as you wish
Enjoy !!
To use it, enter the name of a control action followed by the data you would
like to be sent to the controller when the control action is called.
On CALLING OUT these control actions commands are sent to the micro-controller via a blue tooth module. e.g HC05.
A sample of Arduino code is within the application to guide on how to use this application to make the Arduino perform some out of this world staff !!
1. with this app you can have as many independent projects as you like
2. as if NO.1 is not enough, you can have as many control actions per project as you wish
Enjoy !!
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