Best looking Bengali Calculator in the store
★ Both Bangla and English type calculator in one app!
★ Nice feel 3D push color button
★ You can change the color of any button, just long tap on any button to select color
★ Provides all basic operation +, -, x, ÷, ±, 1/x
★ Other frequent operation for students %, root and X²
★ Nice color beautiful look
★ You can adjust the font size as per your need, just click on settings icon
★ Make beep sound on each button press, you can disable it from settings
★ Also make vibrate on button press, you can disable it from settings
★ Easy to use
★ High number range with precision
★ Shows the last operation on top, see the screenshots
★ Fits on any mobile and tablet
★ Both Bangla and English type calculator in one app!
★ Nice feel 3D push color button
★ You can change the color of any button, just long tap on any button to select color
★ Provides all basic operation +, -, x, ÷, ±, 1/x
★ Other frequent operation for students %, root and X²
★ Nice color beautiful look
★ You can adjust the font size as per your need, just click on settings icon
★ Make beep sound on each button press, you can disable it from settings
★ Also make vibrate on button press, you can disable it from settings
★ Easy to use
★ High number range with precision
★ Shows the last operation on top, see the screenshots
★ Fits on any mobile and tablet
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