GPS Satellite Route Finder Map Direction is a free direction map route planner app that provides world location map with accurate direction guide and nearby location finder. Get all the main map route finder features in a single app. Get GPS location finding, route planner, directions finder and search nearby places.
Find your location, search an address by a tap anywhere on the world map, enter your current location and destination and find the shortest route to that location and discover famous places of the world with GPS Satellite Route Finder Map Direction.
Save your time and find the shortest route for driving, running, walk, ride & transit to your destination easily in real-time. The app combines fast current GPS location, best directions, location sharing with friends and nearby places GPS maps. Find hotels, cafeterias, public hotspots, hospitals, ATMs, shopping malls and other many other places. Find their distance from your location, user reviews, and other details easily.
- Choose from different maps types like default, terrain, satellite view.
- Accurately locate your current location and see it on the map.
- Tap anywhere on the map and see exact address with latitude and longitude.
- Find the shortest route to your destination.
- Find all the details about routes like the traffic situation in real-time.
- Discover nearby top-rated famous places.
- Find nearby hospitals and world famous cafe!
- Plan you next with this app and do not miss a good restaurant.
- Find all the nearest famous places.
Find your location, search an address by a tap anywhere on the world map, enter your current location and destination and find the shortest route to that location and discover famous places of the world with GPS Satellite Route Finder Map Direction.
Save your time and find the shortest route for driving, running, walk, ride & transit to your destination easily in real-time. The app combines fast current GPS location, best directions, location sharing with friends and nearby places GPS maps. Find hotels, cafeterias, public hotspots, hospitals, ATMs, shopping malls and other many other places. Find their distance from your location, user reviews, and other details easily.
- Choose from different maps types like default, terrain, satellite view.
- Accurately locate your current location and see it on the map.
- Tap anywhere on the map and see exact address with latitude and longitude.
- Find the shortest route to your destination.
- Find all the details about routes like the traffic situation in real-time.
- Discover nearby top-rated famous places.
- Find nearby hospitals and world famous cafe!
- Plan you next with this app and do not miss a good restaurant.
- Find all the nearest famous places.
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