Integrated School Management System (SiMaster) Apps
It is a school management system with various levels of education. Supports:
1. Multi School
2. Multi Tier :
2.a. TA/RA/TK
2.b. SD/MI/Kuttab
2.c. SMP/MTs
2.d. SMA/MA
2.e. University
3. Key Features:
3.a. PPDB Online
3.b. Payment of ZIS (Zakat Infaq and Shodaqoh)
3.c. Student Master Book
3.d. Online Infaq / Tuition Payments
3.e. Bookkeeping
3.f. Student Achievement Data
3.g. Counseling Data
3.h. E-Library
3.i. E-Report
It is a school management system with various levels of education. Supports:
1. Multi School
2. Multi Tier :
2.a. TA/RA/TK
2.b. SD/MI/Kuttab
2.c. SMP/MTs
2.d. SMA/MA
2.e. University
3. Key Features:
3.a. PPDB Online
3.b. Payment of ZIS (Zakat Infaq and Shodaqoh)
3.c. Student Master Book
3.d. Online Infaq / Tuition Payments
3.e. Bookkeeping
3.f. Student Achievement Data
3.g. Counseling Data
3.h. E-Library
3.i. E-Report
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