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About SCO UB

For the effectiveness and efficiency of the administration system of correspondence, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) created a digital correspondence application named "Smart and Collaborative Office". This application was disseminated to all Vice Chancellors, Bureau Heads, Division Heads, Subdivision Heads, and secretary staff at the Head Office on Tuesday (10/22/2019), at the eighth floor of the Rectorate Building.

UB's Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR., MS in his remarks conveyed, with this application, it is expected to achieve time efficiency in managing correspondence. "The leadership can check the letter and monitor the flow of disposition anywhere, anytime, whether it has been executed, so that if the office leader goes out of town for a few days, there is no need to wait for the letter to pile up on the table," explained the chancellor.

With this application, all incoming letters must go through one door, namely the Administration Section (TU). So that it can then be forwarded to the authorized section through the application. This application can only be accessed by the leader of the recipient of the letter and the secretary. "So, if it is not authorized, it will not be able to access the letters that have been inputted by TU," said application developer Dwi Suwandana.

This application is equipped with various facilities, including tracking letters, dispositions in the form of templates, custom dispositions, multi dispositions to the last receiving staff or executor. "For outgoing mail, there are also features of various outgoing mail templates, so the secretary does not need to make a letter in Microsoft Word, enough from this application. The concept of the letter can also be sent directly to pemaraf 1 for correction, then to pemaraf 2, until the signing. In addition there is also a chat feature to facilitate communication about correspondence, "explained Dwi.

Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Drs. Gugus Irianto, MSA., Ph.D., Ak., Said that UB has made several changes in the management of digital correspondence systems, which initially used the Letter Administration Information System (SIAS), also tried to use Office Automation, and the Filing Information System Dynamic (SIKD) from ANRI. However, the Smart and Collaborative Office is considered the most appropriate to be applied to the correspondence system in UB.

"In the future, we hope that this application is not only used for correspondence, but can be collaborated for other administrative purposes, such as information on employee salaries, building loans and others. After this digital correspondence system can work well, then we hope that correspondence in UB does not again using paper, but enough to send through this application. Don't be afraid of being wrong and don't be afraid to try, "concluded Prof. Group. [Irene]

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