As Duru-Çağ Technology, we have prepared our application for you without internet, and we continue to update.
You can listen to and read the educational audio tales we have chosen for you in our program.
Since our application is without the Internet, it is in all fairy tale sounds and we tried to reduce the application size as much as possible.
Since all of our tales are in the application, no internet connection will be needed later.
Our children will now fall asleep very quickly.
While choosing the tales we read in our Voice Tales without Internet application, we paid attention to being world classics and to attract the attention of our children.
Thanks for your support.
You can listen to and read the educational audio tales we have chosen for you in our program.
Since our application is without the Internet, it is in all fairy tale sounds and we tried to reduce the application size as much as possible.
Since all of our tales are in the application, no internet connection will be needed later.
Our children will now fall asleep very quickly.
While choosing the tales we read in our Voice Tales without Internet application, we paid attention to being world classics and to attract the attention of our children.
Thanks for your support.
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