The biggest buyer of goods and services in Ethiopia is the government. NGO's, International Organisations such as the UN, etc too buy a great deal of goods and services. The government and the other organizations float tenders and bids (chereta) on newspapers and on platforms such as It costs a lot of time, money and manpower to sift through all the tender/bid notices published and find the ones that are relevant to you. It is very likely that the person who does the checking might miss some notices.
2merkato has been providing a solution that cut the time it takes and cost of participating in tenders substantially. For a long time, our service has been limited to the web. Now you can enjoy our service on your phone through our app.
1) You will not miss any tenders as we post tenders from all the major newspapers and some directly sent to us from all the regions and in 3 languages - Amharic, English and Oromo Language (Afaan Oromoo).
2) You can find tender/bid notices relevant to your needs by sorting according to the categories you need.
3) Alerts/notifications are sent to you or downloaded in the background.
4) You can access downloaded tenders offline on the mobile application.
5) We have been providing this services nearly for ten years (since 2009) and we have developed a stringent quality assurance and quality control system that makes sure users won't miss any tender.
Our new venture to the mobile application will further help you, our clients, achieve success and find new business opportunities.
2merkato has been providing a solution that cut the time it takes and cost of participating in tenders substantially. For a long time, our service has been limited to the web. Now you can enjoy our service on your phone through our app.
1) You will not miss any tenders as we post tenders from all the major newspapers and some directly sent to us from all the regions and in 3 languages - Amharic, English and Oromo Language (Afaan Oromoo).
2) You can find tender/bid notices relevant to your needs by sorting according to the categories you need.
3) Alerts/notifications are sent to you or downloaded in the background.
4) You can access downloaded tenders offline on the mobile application.
5) We have been providing this services nearly for ten years (since 2009) and we have developed a stringent quality assurance and quality control system that makes sure users won't miss any tender.
Our new venture to the mobile application will further help you, our clients, achieve success and find new business opportunities.
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