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BLE Terminal

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About BLE Terminal

BLE Terminal FREE is a terminal App which provides a bluetooth BLE communication.
In the last update (v1.3.0) I added serial communication with Microchip BLE (MLDP) and Ublox BLE (I saw some connection problems with android Lollipop and lower).

The data are transmited/received between the phone and a bluetooth BLE paired device.

With this App is possible save the log sessions to a file.

NB: This App work only with devices with BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY (Ex: SimbleeBLE, Microchip, Ublox ...)

1) Enable bluetooth
2.1) Open the Search menu and Pair the device
2.2) Open the Settings menu and insert a MAC Address (with checkbox "Enabled MAC REMOTE" checked)
3) In the main windown press the "CONNECT" button
4) If Necessary add Service/Characteristics with the "SELECT SERVICE" button
5) Send and receive the messages

This App asks to enable this two services:
- Location service: is required for some devices (ex: my nexus 5) for the BLE searching function
- Storage service: is required if you want save the logs session

You can try example here:

SimbleeBLE example:

RN4020 example:

I tested this App with these devices:

Simblee: 0000fe84-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
RFDUINO: 00002220-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
RedBearLabs: 713D0000-503E-4C75-BA94-3148F18D941E
RN4020: custom characteristics

NB: For custom App contact me.

Please rate and review so I can make it better!

BLE Terminal Screenshots