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مصر الآن Egy

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About مصر الآن Egy

Egypt Now helps you see the latest breaking news and the most important Arab and international events
Knowing the news and events in Egypt from all the electronic newspapers such as Al-Watan, Al-Ahram, Al-Akhbar, Al-Masry Al-Youm, Al-Wafd, the Seventh Day, Sada Al-Balad, Mobtada, Al-Tahrir and Al-Dustour.
Egyptian and international news
- We always adopt the principle of impartiality and transparency in reporting the news, and we mention the name of the source of the news at the bottom of each article.
Political, sports, technical, health and women's news from your sources
- Alerts feature for breaking news
Political news - cultural news - economic news - sports news - weather - governorates - technology - accidents - health
We publish Egypt's breaking news to follow the latest news, moment by moment
- Night mode to rest your eyes
- Sharing service more easily
- The ability to search for your favorite news and save search history
- You can also comment on the news easily

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