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اشطر شيف

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About اشطر شيف

With Ashtar Chef, we publish daily the most delicious recipes and the easiest ways to make the best cooking recipes daily.
The application of cooking recipes contains delicious main dishes such as Levantine, Egyptian, Tunisian, Algerian, Libyan, Chinese and Italian dishes, and others.
Various and many sections such as chicken recipes, rice recipes, oven chicken, pizza, croissant dough, sweets such as basbousa, kunafa, cream caramel, ice cream, baklava, sponge cake and gateau.
Browse step-by-step recipes with photos and videos
You can also get recipes for many different salads and soups, such as chicken soup with cream and orzo's tongue.
Easy cooking and easy recipes
And don't forget a special section for drinks and juices such as orange juice, lemon juice, mango and hot drinks
And drinks for weight loss.
Search for a suitable cooking recipe through the advanced search feature.

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