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Palabra Profética Diaria 2021

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About Palabra Profética Diaria 2021

Daily Prophetic Word

Importance of the Prophetic Word

"For we have not made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ by following artificial fables, but as having seen his majesty with our own eyes. For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, it was sent to him from the magnificent glory a voice that said: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And we heard this voice sent from heaven, when we were with him on the holy mountain. We also have the most certain prophetic word, which you do well to be Attentive as to a torch that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; understanding first this, that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation, because the prophecy was never brought by will but the holy men of God spoke as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit "(2 Peter 1: 16-21).

A Prophetic Word will help you start your day with a fresh and positive mindset.

* Because it can give you a notice or confirmation so you can get clarity and confidence for your day.

* Because it helps you to synchronize with God every day.

* Because they are based on the Bible, words inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring you encouragement.

The Prophetic Word is an encouraging or confirming word inspired by the Holy Spirit.

There are many references in the Bible that show various ways that God can speak to us:

👉 But the one who prophesies speaks to people to strengthen, encourage and comfort them.
- 1 Corinthians 14: 3 NIV

👉 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, can give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you can know him better. - Ephesians 1:17 NIV

👉 Blessed are those who listen to me, looking daily at my doors, waiting at my door. - Proverbs 8:34 NIV

What to do with the Daily Prophetic Word?

You can ask God to show you if it is for you now or later or maybe for a family member, friend or loved one. Pray and hear how God speaks to you to show you if there is anything you need to do in response to the Daily Prophetic Word.

You can share a Prophetic Word every day through Facebook, WhatsApp or any other social network.

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