Applications "Translation of the Book of Usul Fiqh" or book of Usul Fiqh + Translations is an application that contains the translation of the book of usul fiqh, ie mabadi al awaliyah, 40 koidah, safinatun annajah, the Indonesian translation, may be useful.
At first, the scholars of fiqh first compiled in accordance with the science of Al-Qur an, Hadith, and Ijtihad the Companions. After Islam is growing, and started a lot of countries that enter into the Daulah Islamiyah, the more cultures that come in, and raises questions about the new culture that does not exist in the time of Muhammad. So the real experts Fiqh Ulama compiled in accordance with the rules of grammar of the Arabic language and in accordance with the arguments used by authors of science Fiqh Ulama
The first attempt made by Imam Shafi'i in his book Arrisalah. In this book he talks about the Qur'an, hadith position, consensus, and points Qiyas take legal regulations. Imam Shafi'i effort is the cornerstone of the science of usul fiqh which was then followed by experts usul fiqh afterwards. The scholars of usul fiqh in his discussion of usul fiqh is not always the same, either of the terms or on the conversation. Because that then there are two groups, namely; Hanafiyah mutakallimin groups and classes. [3]
Group mutakallimin in the discussion always follow the ways commonly used in theology, which used mind-thoughts and reasons of power in setting main rules (fiqh), regardless of whether these regulations in accordance with the issue of branches ( furu ') or not. Among the books written by this group are;
+ Al-Mu'tamad by Muhammad bin Ali
+ Al-Burhan by Al-Juwaini
+ Al-Mustashfa by Al-Ghazali
+ Al-Mahshul by Ar-Razy
Hanafiyah group in the discussion always pay attention and adjust the main rules (fiqh) with the issue of branches (furu ').
After the second book of unifying these groups emerged between the two schools among which are;
+ Tanqihul Ushul by Sadrus Syari'ah
+ Badi'unnidzam by As-Sa'ati
+ Attahrir by Kamal bin Hammam
+ Al-Muwafaqat by As-Syatibi
In addition to the books mentioned above, there are also other books, namely, Irsyadul Fuhul by Ash-Syaukani, Usul Al-Fiqh by Chudari. There are also books of Usul Fiqh in Indonesian by the name of "Completeness of the fundamentals of jurisprudence" by Prof. T.M. Hasbi As-Siddiqi
At first, the scholars of fiqh first compiled in accordance with the science of Al-Qur an, Hadith, and Ijtihad the Companions. After Islam is growing, and started a lot of countries that enter into the Daulah Islamiyah, the more cultures that come in, and raises questions about the new culture that does not exist in the time of Muhammad. So the real experts Fiqh Ulama compiled in accordance with the rules of grammar of the Arabic language and in accordance with the arguments used by authors of science Fiqh Ulama
The first attempt made by Imam Shafi'i in his book Arrisalah. In this book he talks about the Qur'an, hadith position, consensus, and points Qiyas take legal regulations. Imam Shafi'i effort is the cornerstone of the science of usul fiqh which was then followed by experts usul fiqh afterwards. The scholars of usul fiqh in his discussion of usul fiqh is not always the same, either of the terms or on the conversation. Because that then there are two groups, namely; Hanafiyah mutakallimin groups and classes. [3]
Group mutakallimin in the discussion always follow the ways commonly used in theology, which used mind-thoughts and reasons of power in setting main rules (fiqh), regardless of whether these regulations in accordance with the issue of branches ( furu ') or not. Among the books written by this group are;
+ Al-Mu'tamad by Muhammad bin Ali
+ Al-Burhan by Al-Juwaini
+ Al-Mustashfa by Al-Ghazali
+ Al-Mahshul by Ar-Razy
Hanafiyah group in the discussion always pay attention and adjust the main rules (fiqh) with the issue of branches (furu ').
After the second book of unifying these groups emerged between the two schools among which are;
+ Tanqihul Ushul by Sadrus Syari'ah
+ Badi'unnidzam by As-Sa'ati
+ Attahrir by Kamal bin Hammam
+ Al-Muwafaqat by As-Syatibi
In addition to the books mentioned above, there are also other books, namely, Irsyadul Fuhul by Ash-Syaukani, Usul Al-Fiqh by Chudari. There are also books of Usul Fiqh in Indonesian by the name of "Completeness of the fundamentals of jurisprudence" by Prof. T.M. Hasbi As-Siddiqi
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