Understanding of the Kitan Uqudulujain;
Uqudulujain is a book whose contents regulate the affairs of family life includes the rights of husband and wife. This book is perfect for all people to be able to meet each other and respect the rights and duties of husband and wife. Hopefully we can all benefit darinya.amin
Book Uqudulujain are pens Nawawi al-Banteni, a great scholar from Banten who live in Makkah and teaching in the Haram, Nawawi Uqudul'ujain divide the book into four chapters, namely:
- The first chapter discusses the rights of the husband over the wife.
- The second chapter discusses the rights of the husband over the wife.
- The third chapter discusses the virtue of a woman praying at home.
- The fourth chapter discusses the prohibition notice / view of the opposite sex
Know that, every husband should be very clever to give lectures or wills virtue to his wife. S.A.W Prophet warned:
"ROHIMALLAHU ROJULAN QOOLA YAA AHLAAHU SHOLAA Takum SHIYAA MAKUM DZAKAA Takum MISKIINAKUM YATIIMAKUM JIIROONAKUM LA'ALLAKUM MA'AHUM FIL Jannati. "It means:" Hopefully Allah bless a husband who reminds his wife, 'HAI MY WIFE, WATCH your prayers, your fasting, ZAKATMU. PEOPLE have mercy on poor among you, PARA neighbor. Hopefully COLLECT YOUR GOD WITH THEM IN HEAVEN '. "
A husband should always pay attention to their living according to his ability. Husband should always be patient when his wife received a slur, or inappropriate treatments other better. Husband should pity his wife, by giving shape education well, although he is a learned man. For women however, are created in an all-round lack of reason and religious thin (except for a few who have a strong religious sense and long). Mentioned in the hadith: "LAA ANNALLAHA SATAROL LAU MAR ATA BIL HAYAA ILAKAA Nats TUSAA WII KAFFAN LAA MIN TUROOBIN. "It means:" If it were not for God made the cover of shame for women, undoubtedly tidka price can equal a handful of dust. (Alhadits).
keerangan applications
Uqudulujain application / Book of Household, or Book Uqudullujain + Translations, which contains explanations of explanations fostering households Islamic sakinah, mawaddah, according to the reference book warohmah Uqudulujain. This application may be useful.
failitas in the Book application Uqudullujain + Translations are as follows;
+. OFFLINE based applications, you can run without an internet connection
+. This application is light, due to the small size of fileny arelatif
+. use the copy and paste facilities
+. falilitas will berambah renewal
+. Free, aka unpaid
+. Easy navigation neatly arranged alphabetically
+. search features, makes it easy to direct
+. Share to friends via social media
hopefully applications Uqudullujain + Translations This book can benefit us all, please give us advice in the development process, please send it via email us at: EmpirisStudio@gmail.com
Uqudulujain is a book whose contents regulate the affairs of family life includes the rights of husband and wife. This book is perfect for all people to be able to meet each other and respect the rights and duties of husband and wife. Hopefully we can all benefit darinya.amin
Book Uqudulujain are pens Nawawi al-Banteni, a great scholar from Banten who live in Makkah and teaching in the Haram, Nawawi Uqudul'ujain divide the book into four chapters, namely:
- The first chapter discusses the rights of the husband over the wife.
- The second chapter discusses the rights of the husband over the wife.
- The third chapter discusses the virtue of a woman praying at home.
- The fourth chapter discusses the prohibition notice / view of the opposite sex
Know that, every husband should be very clever to give lectures or wills virtue to his wife. S.A.W Prophet warned:
"ROHIMALLAHU ROJULAN QOOLA YAA AHLAAHU SHOLAA Takum SHIYAA MAKUM DZAKAA Takum MISKIINAKUM YATIIMAKUM JIIROONAKUM LA'ALLAKUM MA'AHUM FIL Jannati. "It means:" Hopefully Allah bless a husband who reminds his wife, 'HAI MY WIFE, WATCH your prayers, your fasting, ZAKATMU. PEOPLE have mercy on poor among you, PARA neighbor. Hopefully COLLECT YOUR GOD WITH THEM IN HEAVEN '. "
A husband should always pay attention to their living according to his ability. Husband should always be patient when his wife received a slur, or inappropriate treatments other better. Husband should pity his wife, by giving shape education well, although he is a learned man. For women however, are created in an all-round lack of reason and religious thin (except for a few who have a strong religious sense and long). Mentioned in the hadith: "LAA ANNALLAHA SATAROL LAU MAR ATA BIL HAYAA ILAKAA Nats TUSAA WII KAFFAN LAA MIN TUROOBIN. "It means:" If it were not for God made the cover of shame for women, undoubtedly tidka price can equal a handful of dust. (Alhadits).
keerangan applications
Uqudulujain application / Book of Household, or Book Uqudullujain + Translations, which contains explanations of explanations fostering households Islamic sakinah, mawaddah, according to the reference book warohmah Uqudulujain. This application may be useful.
failitas in the Book application Uqudullujain + Translations are as follows;
+. OFFLINE based applications, you can run without an internet connection
+. This application is light, due to the small size of fileny arelatif
+. use the copy and paste facilities
+. falilitas will berambah renewal
+. Free, aka unpaid
+. Easy navigation neatly arranged alphabetically
+. search features, makes it easy to direct
+. Share to friends via social media
hopefully applications Uqudullujain + Translations This book can benefit us all, please give us advice in the development process, please send it via email us at: EmpirisStudio@gmail.com
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