We have gathered everything together for those who will take the driver's license exam. You can access data such as e-exam tests, driver's license lectures, traffic signs, city plate list, first aid test, environmental test, engine test from our application.
✓ There are more than 3 thousand questions in our application. By solving these questions, you can prepare yourself for the driver's license exam and ensure that you pass.
✓ Driver's license questions have been developed in accordance with 2023 data.
✓ You can work on lectures and mark the topics you have completed.
✓ You can participate in separate tests according to their subjects, you can review your mistakes.
✓ You can view the traffic signs with their meanings, add the unfamiliar signs to your favorites and practice later.
✓ You can browse the city license plate list and look at the license plates you are curious about.
✓ You can browse the statistical information of the test and lectures.
✓ You can track the remaining time for the exam by entering the exam date.
✓ There are more than 3 thousand questions in our application. By solving these questions, you can prepare yourself for the driver's license exam and ensure that you pass.
✓ Driver's license questions have been developed in accordance with 2023 data.
✓ You can work on lectures and mark the topics you have completed.
✓ You can participate in separate tests according to their subjects, you can review your mistakes.
✓ You can view the traffic signs with their meanings, add the unfamiliar signs to your favorites and practice later.
✓ You can browse the city license plate list and look at the license plates you are curious about.
✓ You can browse the statistical information of the test and lectures.
✓ You can track the remaining time for the exam by entering the exam date.
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