Flutter Tweeter - Clone Simply Tweetter Flutter App, Lite, Smooth, Stateless Widget, Modern, Fancy UI.
Demo Purposed Only
1. Splashscreen, Welcome Page
2. SignUp, SignIn, Forgot Password.
3. Authentication with Email & Password
4. 4 Icons BottomNavigation (Home, Search, Notification, Message/Chat)
5. Shortcut HomePage (Message/Chat, Block, Follower, Following)
6. Compose Tweet, ReTweet, Comment
7. Like or Dislike.
8. Share Link, Share with Thumbnail
9. Fancy Left Menu Drawer (Profile, Setting, Privacy, Bookmark)
10. All action link or button coming soon or disabled is unavailable
11. Chat with Text + Image
12. Follow/UnFollow User
13. Search user by Name
14. Modern profile page
Demo Purposed Only
Telegram: https://t.me/erhacorpdotcom
Demo Purposed Only
1. Splashscreen, Welcome Page
2. SignUp, SignIn, Forgot Password.
3. Authentication with Email & Password
4. 4 Icons BottomNavigation (Home, Search, Notification, Message/Chat)
5. Shortcut HomePage (Message/Chat, Block, Follower, Following)
6. Compose Tweet, ReTweet, Comment
7. Like or Dislike.
8. Share Link, Share with Thumbnail
9. Fancy Left Menu Drawer (Profile, Setting, Privacy, Bookmark)
10. All action link or button coming soon or disabled is unavailable
11. Chat with Text + Image
12. Follow/UnFollow User
13. Search user by Name
14. Modern profile page
Demo Purposed Only
Telegram: https://t.me/erhacorpdotcom
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