Eskoll provides every basic requirements needed for students that includes discussions, MCQs, buying and selling study materials, notes, syllabus, classrooms, helpers, schools lockup, scholarships and many more.
=> Syllabus(Courses):
Syllabus and Notes of Secondary, Bachelors(TU) and Masters(TU) courses
=> Entrance(Examinations):
Enough model tests sets for IOE, CEE, PAHS and many more.
=> Discussiosn:
A section where eskollars can ask questions/answer to the questions/view and interact through discussion threads.
=> Classrooms:
A section that any eskollar can create where others can join, and share their common interests, express their opinions share related content on the wall.
=> Assignment Helpers:
Here, any eskollar can create their helper profile and, others(especially tighty scheduled students, young professionals or jobholders) can hire them.
=> Store:-
Here, any eskollar can sell their books or notes or any related items and others can view, contact the seller(eskollar who posted the item) and make a deal.
=> Schools:
Explore the schools/colleges from all over Nepal.
=> Scholarships:
One can read about all available National and International Scholarships.
=> Syllabus(Courses):
Syllabus and Notes of Secondary, Bachelors(TU) and Masters(TU) courses
=> Entrance(Examinations):
Enough model tests sets for IOE, CEE, PAHS and many more.
=> Discussiosn:
A section where eskollars can ask questions/answer to the questions/view and interact through discussion threads.
=> Classrooms:
A section that any eskollar can create where others can join, and share their common interests, express their opinions share related content on the wall.
=> Assignment Helpers:
Here, any eskollar can create their helper profile and, others(especially tighty scheduled students, young professionals or jobholders) can hire them.
=> Store:-
Here, any eskollar can sell their books or notes or any related items and others can view, contact the seller(eskollar who posted the item) and make a deal.
=> Schools:
Explore the schools/colleges from all over Nepal.
=> Scholarships:
One can read about all available National and International Scholarships.
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