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Evenium ConnexMe

3.4 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Evenium ConnexMe

Evenium brings to life a revolutionary way to interact in real time with content and people during events, conferences, meetings or trainings. This is what we call “Augmented Relationship”.

Evenium ConnexMe combines the best of mobile and social networks to provide an amazing event networking and interaction system.
Watch the video on our website (link above) to find out more!


-- Get the event slides in real time on your smartphone
-- React and interact in real time with the content and audience (polls, comments, photos, questions, likes)
-- Get official news and notifications


-- View the guest list, enhanced with social networks
-- Send direct messages to other attendees
-- Plan meetings


-- Share slides and comments on your social networks
-- Follow the event remotely

Create your event easily within the app or on Evenium Net!

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